27-29 avril participation au salon des artistes de France à Monaco.L’art contemporain by art3f
L’art contemporain by art3f
Notre définition de l’art contemporain se débarrasse du discours et du symbole au profit des artistes vivants et de l’émotion que suscitent les œuvres.
La recherche du beau, l’art vivant, l’intelligence de la main, l’émotion, l’esthétique, voilà ce que nous revendiquons et ce en quoi nous croyons !

Associations and corporate foundations.
FIRST Directorate of Information MINISTER Legal and administrative
DIRECTORATE OF LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION 26, rue Desaix, 75727 PARIS CEDEX 15 www. dila.premier-ministre.gouv.fr www. journal-officiel.gouv.fr
Announcement n° 49 06
Alpes-Maritimes ASSOCIATIONS Creations
Declaration to the prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes ARTISTS-PAINTERS OF THE FRENCH RIVIERA.
Purpose: to support artistic and cultural projects; the sphere of interests and skills of the association includes: the organization of creative seminars, internships, symposiums, organization of exhibitions and opening days, organization of sales of objects for charitable purposes, as well as any other project aimed at preserving and maintaining the artistic heritage.
Registered office: 22 bis, rue Longue, 06500 Menton. Date of declaration: April 9, 2021.
President of the association: Kutlugildin lurii
The Director of legal and administrative information: Anne DUCLOS-GRISIER

Artshoping 2021
“S’approprier l’art autrement !”
ART Shopping a pour objectif fondateur de replacer la convivialité et la relation public/artiste/galerie au centre du projet, en mettant en lumière l’influence déterminante du salon dans la promotion, le partage, la rencontre et l’exploration de la scène artistique française et internationale.
Sur chaque édition d’ART Shopping, à Paris ou en région, nous nous engageons à vous proposer une expérience forte à travers nos différentes propositions curatoriales et rendez-vous tels que les perfor- mances live, les corners thématiques, les rencontres privilégiées avec les artistes…
Plus de 15 ans déjà qu’existe ART Shopping et je suis toujours si enthousiaste, émue par le travail ac- compli par nos équipes, les partenaires impliqués au fil des années et par la confiance que nous ac- cordent les artistes et les professionnels de l’art.
Plus que jamais, depuis la création du salon, notre but est de continuer à affirmer et consolider notre volonté d’opérer en tant que plateforme de découverte, « révélatrice de talents » .
Aujourd’hui, ART Shopping c’est deux rendez-vous annuels à Paris et deux rendez-vous en région, à Deauville et Biarritz. Autant d’occasions de renforcer notre volonté de se démarquer et de sensibiliser tant le public local que les habitués de ces destinations.
C’est en confirmant ce lien si précieux avec notre public toujours plus nombreux et en en assumant notre positionnement audacieux que le salon ART Shopping continue de peser sur l’environnement ar- tistique et une nouvelle façon de consommer l’art avec plaisir.

Enfin, je me suis réuni et rassemblé mon atelier d’art en France, on apprend ce qui va en sortir, mais j’espère que tout ira bien !!!) ??
Наконец то собрался и собрал мастерскую в Франции????? посмотрим что получиться но надеюсь всё будет харашо!!!)
Gallérie D’Art la Frégate Exposition 21/09/2018/France/ Abdelwaheb Mahieddine Yuri Kutyur Muriel Baillot
PYRAMIDA Throughout time, we hide hearts that have immense will power, subjugate emotions. Sculpture “Piramid” radiates a feeling of complete balance. With a blissful expression, it captures the ideal moment of balance, harmony as it stretches upward. Sculpture: Bronze bronze … Edition: Signed, dated and numbered, cast 2, currently available 1 sculpture. With the increasing diversity of social models and groups, individual conditions and perceptions of people’s lives are constantly changing, becoming more diverse, vibrant. I think that my goal is to convey this phenomenon to sculpture, answering the style, time, life of a person in an active state and searching for their inner feelings and harmony. The direction and nature of most of the work is a balance between realism and gesture. The pyramid is the dynamic balance of sculpture in space, challenging the force of gravity. Exquisite sculptures are molded by smelting wax-bronze casting to capture complex details of each part. Hand-applied patina adds subtle color changes and underlining of the shape, the pyramid is cast from solid bronze and is available in a limited edition of 2pcs. Each bronze edition is limited edition, signed and numbered by the artist.
Yuri Kutyur is an artist who works in a classical style. This is an artist who paints pictures only in the original.
The artist began his career in St. Petersburg in the 90s from the years where he first received academic education. Europe became its subsequent base of activity. Today he works in his summer studio in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France. The author believes in art, which is in the service of society, reaches perfect, intimate in art.
He is an advocate of open creativity, the artist’s studio creates works of art of the classical approach. The artist invites to aesthetic dialogue, creative exchange of information and critical analysis.
Yuri Kutyur creates works with very subtle attention and uses the highest quality materials. All the creations in the artist are original and strictly in a single copy.
All the works in the artist are original.
Graphic sketches
SEASONS of paintings and ornamental scenes, inspire, combining different styles, and sketches in detail explains the stage of work on creating a work …
The artist works, writes, creates oil on canvas, creates a sculpture in bronze, writes a mass pastel. Painting is a mixture of the real world with dreams, memories of the subconscious and the geometry of the real world, architecture. But most of the work the author tries not to divide into subsections and qualify, but to perceive everything as classical art.
Sketch, sketch, sketch is like a preliminary sketch, the artist’s idea for his work, in the general composition or a separate part of it. In the description, the sketch is a hand-drawn drawing in the eye-scale scale, a quickly created free drawing, not supposed to be the final work, often consists of sets of performances for one work. Often performed in various, spontaneous techniques, but it does not lose its value. Pencil, watercolor, pastel are preferred for sketches since they do not limit in time, also a quickly created clay mock-up can be considered a sketch in all senses of the meaning of this word. A quick sketch often gives the artist the opportunity to not miss the idea, allows the master to sketch and try out different ideas before realizing them.
The exhibition “Kutiyurism” by the contemporary Russian artist J. Couture
in the cult art gallery “Nevsky 8” on March 2 will be the opening of the exhibition of contemporary artist Yuri Kutyur “Kutyur’s Wolrd”.
Yuri Couture is a bright representative of a new generation of artists, whose work is aimed at reflecting the aesthetic side of modern life. His work is always filled with color and positive and resemble colorful medieval stained glass windows. The author writes both graphic works and works done with oil on canvas in the style of Gothic Art Nouveau – on the brink of modern and retrospective. He skillfully combines plastic static through elongated shapes of silhouettes, laconic composition with the dynamics of fantastic ornaments. The works of Yuri Couture are decorated with private collections of the USA, Australia, Germany, France and Finland. His avant-garde patchwork became an icon of contemporary art in St. Petersburg.
The effectiveness of the artist’s paintings at the exhibition Kutyur’s Wolrd is concluded in the color accuracy and complexity. The artistic power lies precisely in the plans with which Couture arranges the compositions of his paintings.
Looking at the volumes of flowers written by him, slipping along the expressive artistic lines of the background, literally plunging into the deep space of each line, we suddenly find ourselves in the midst of a world culture that does not tire of singing about love with the voices of the best poets and paints of the most sincere painters.
Currently, collectors are not limited to the purchase of art galleries, paintings, prints, reproductions, traveling exhibitions, auctions. But now able to discover beautiful paintings and prints, painting sculptures, without leaving their homes. The choice of paintings can range from detailed academic art works to abstractions, without changing the value of the artist’s talent.