Graphic sketches
Graphic sketches
SEASONS of paintings and ornamental scenes, inspire, combining different styles, and sketches in detail explains the stage of work on creating a work …
The artist works, writes, creates oil on canvas, creates a sculpture in bronze, writes a mass pastel. Painting is a mixture of the real world with dreams, memories of the subconscious and the geometry of the real world, architecture. But most of the work the author tries not to divide into subsections and qualify, but to perceive everything as classical art.
Sketch, sketch, sketch is like a preliminary sketch, the artist’s idea for his work, in the general composition or a separate part of it. In the description, the sketch is a hand-drawn drawing in the eye-scale scale, a quickly created free drawing, not supposed to be the final work, often consists of sets of performances for one work. Often performed in various, spontaneous techniques, but it does not lose its value. Pencil, watercolor, pastel are preferred for sketches since they do not limit in time, also a quickly created clay mock-up can be considered a sketch in all senses of the meaning of this word. A quick sketch often gives the artist the opportunity to not miss the idea, allows the master to sketch and try out different ideas before realizing them.